Saturday, October 1, 2011

One In A Million

A text I received from PJ.
"Gather round, for I have a tale to tell. It was a night, not to different to this one (it was actually 5 minutes ago). For 3 days and 3 nights I have been brewing a shit within me, deep deep down. And it is on this night I chose to release it, and this is how it went. It left my bum so perfectly and smoothly, one big clump serpenting out of my sphincter. It had a certain crispness about it (no doubt because of the lack of fruit in my diet) and ended up staying in one big piece as it finally left my body and fell into the bowl. I stared down at it for about 5 minutes in awe, of how a human could be responsible for something so beautifull. I go to wipe my bottom, and to my amazement, no poo on the toilet paper. One in a million, the PERFECT poo!
Nicholas Patrick John Ball."

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